Authors of “The Whole Spiel” and
 the “Dictionary of Jewish Words”

“If I had known grandkids
were so much fun,
I would have had them first.

“If I had known grandkids were so much fun,

I would have had them first.”

Stuff Every Grandmother Should Know

If you’re becoming a grandmother, it means you’ve already raised a child who survived and thrived – even though your child drank water from a hose, played outside until dark, and never wore a bike helmet.

Sure, you could rely on your instincts as a mother, but so much has changed since you were last in charge.

  • What exactly is revealed at a gender reveal party?
  • Can you use the old crib you stored in the attic?
  • Where can you take your grandchild for free fun when you don’t want to shell out $40 for the zoo?
  • What’s the etiquette for sending text messages and posting on Facebook about your grandkids?

Stuff Every Grandmother Should Know, the latest book by Joyce Eisenberg and Ellen Scolnic, is stuffed full of answers to these questions and more. Grandmothers-to-be, Bubbe wannabes, and even experienced Nanas will learn safety tips, great ways to bond, and how to navigate family relationships now that there’s a new baby.

Consider this book a refresher course – dished up with a side of humor like the authors displayed in their essay collection, The Whole Spiel.

The Word Mavens are grandmother wannabes, and they used their considerable research skills – after all, they wrote a Dictionary! – to compile the information. They were helped along by the experts in the audiences at their speaking engagements. “Tell us what we need to know about being a grandmother!” they asked, and the Bubbes, Nonnas and Grandmoms gave them the scoop! Read the Chestnut Hill Local article about the authors and their new book.

The book starts with Grandmother Basics and Baby Essentials and finishes up with Big Kid Stuff and Beyond. Chapters include:

  • How to Pick Your Grandmother Nickname
  • How to Make Old School Cool
  • Don’t Judge: 15 Things You Should Never Say
  • Baby Safety 101 (Things Have Changed!)
  • Five Ways to Have Fun Without Toys
  • How to Survive the Playground
  • Trips for the Whole Tribe
  • How to Create a Family Tradition and Build a Legacy

This handy, pocket-sized guide lays out all the wisdom, savvy, and know-how you’ll need to navigate, cherish, and spoil your grandkids – and grown-up kids!

Stuff Every Grandmother Should Know makes a perfect gift. It’s available in book stores, gift shops and on Amazon in hardback and Kindle formats.

Are you a grandmother?

Do you know a grandmother?

Are you hoping to be a grandmother?

Then get your hands on a copy of  “Stuff Every Grandmother Should Know.” Available on Amazon for Kindle and in Hardcover.

“The lovely package and timeless information make this a perfect gift for grandmas and grandmas-to-be alike.” – Random House